Residuum – Chapter 3 (Beautiful Threat)

  Chapter 3 Beautiful Threat   Tendal saw her hair first. It looked almost golden with the hue of the sun radiating behind it. His eyes squinted trying to keep sight of the rareness of her beauty. He remembered girls in school. They were pretty, cool, nice… but not like her. His heart seemed toContinue reading “Residuum – Chapter 3 (Beautiful Threat)”

Book News and Author Photos

We are starting to make progress on the finer details for Facing The Grey 😀 Yes! So, I was just notified that the cover is almost done and I think it will be great. Not sure what to expect really? But, none-the-less, I am super pumped. That means we are so much closer to theContinue reading “Book News and Author Photos”

Autumn News: I am going to be PUBLISHED!!!! #SoExcited

Okay… *Trying to stay calm* I have an announcement to make. Yes… I know you know already because of the title for this blog but… I AM GOING TO BE PUBLISHED!!! WOW. So humbling to say that. I really needed prayer and–thank you to all those who prayed for me via twitter etc. But, weContinue reading “Autumn News: I am going to be PUBLISHED!!!! #SoExcited”

Christian Fiction Book Chat *NEW*

Christian Fiction Book Chat y’all! I’m so excited.  Let me know if you like it and I will do more. Obviously not the same as this one…. but in general, if I find a book I need to chat about, I will! Give me your thoughts and feedback. What did you think of Pitch BlackContinue reading “Christian Fiction Book Chat *NEW*”

Across Canada & Back in 10 days!

So, yeah! We just drove 10,000 kms in 10 days. Worth it when you know the cause, but incredibly insane at the same time. I was supposed to be finalizing/working on editing FACING THE GREY with my lovely editor at Golden Wheat. Whom, I had to jet out on-literally-and leave hanging…bad author! 😦 *Hanging headContinue reading “Across Canada & Back in 10 days!”

It is Back… My book! Well, from the editors at least…

Hello Everyone! I know I have been MIA the last little while. A lot has been going on for me and I thank you for understanding. I have lots in store to update you on. For now though, I am super happy to share a bit of an update on my new book. It isContinue reading “It is Back… My book! Well, from the editors at least…”

Writing plots when angry = MURDER!

Writing plots angry = MURDER! I always wondered why Janette Oke’s male character’s died. Now, I have a theory! She must have wrote that part angry. Every time I started to fall in love with one of her male characters, they died! I couldn’t understand why as a writer, she would do that? Now IContinue reading “Writing plots when angry = MURDER!”

Back to the Future with Krista McGee | Author Interview

Welcome Krista McGee Today we have a wonderful Writer to feature. She has written Dystopian works which include the   Anomaly Series &   Chick Lit which includes First Date She has written 6 books in a total of 3 years!! That is incredible. So, without further ado…. 1. The Titles for your Dystopian Series almost has aContinue reading “Back to the Future with Krista McGee | Author Interview”

I Am On The Radio Today!!

Listen in! I am on the Radio… Check out today to hear one of my very first interviews. It will continue to stream, so keep listening to here it when you have a chance 😀 It was such a privilege for me to be able to share the gospel, hope, and glory of ChristContinue reading “I Am On The Radio Today!!”

Inspiration and how it is birthed in YA Fiction

Inspiring a YA World… I am a visual person. I am Dyslexic so, I think in pictures and let my imagination flow. When I think of where my inspiration actually comes from, my first thought is experience and memory! I remember intensely what I felt, thought and experienced as a teenager because much of thoseContinue reading “Inspiration and how it is birthed in YA Fiction”