7 tips for weary readers to succeed when participating in Buddy Reads or Group Challenges!

I just finished doing a video for my BookTube community. I will have down below for you to watch if you would like. In that video I chat briefly about buddy reading and why it was so important for a particular book I read called Vigilante by Robin Parrish. The cover is amazing and IContinue reading “7 tips for weary readers to succeed when participating in Buddy Reads or Group Challenges!”

Author Interview with Liz Curtis Higgs

I was so honoured when Rick from Connections HQ asked me to host an interview for their Website. Me? I truly was humbled. Now, the task of finding which author to interview was up to me. Who should I pick? What would I say? What could I ask that would help them or the listener?Continue reading “Author Interview with Liz Curtis Higgs”

I need your opinion on publishing!

To Self Publish or not to Self Publish… That is the question… I present to you 😀 I value your opinion. To me, your input is important because some of you know I’ve worked extremely hard on the story of Zoe. I just put out a Twitter pole on whether I should Self publish “FacingContinue reading “I need your opinion on publishing!”

NaNoWriMo 2017 & Goodreads Book Club!

I am super excited to write this post! Angela (over at Coffee&Chapters) and I are heading up NaNoWriMo through our Goodreads Book club. Typically we read a book together as a group for the month and then, we all participate in a “Live Show” hosted on Angela’s channel. We have featured two books that areContinue reading “NaNoWriMo 2017 & Goodreads Book Club!”

300 BookTube Subscriber Giveaway! (Closed)

Yes! The 300 BookTube Subscriber Giveaway is finally here And I have the Rafflecopter link for you to enter the Giveaway! After much thought and all your lovely comments on the video that you can see here: I have made the decision that you can chose one book of the first books to Melanie DickersonsContinue reading “300 BookTube Subscriber Giveaway! (Closed)”

Book Giveaway with DaySpring & Review!

Ladies and Gents, I’m proud to announce a super awesome Book Giveaway featuring DaySpring products and of course, one of Melanie Dickerson’s great books! I’m an affiliate of DaySpring’s, who was kind enough to share their love and products for this book giveaway! It is a smash-up Giveaway, because you also get my honest review ofContinue reading “Book Giveaway with DaySpring & Review!”

Going behind the scenes with Connilyn Cossette!

  My guest today is Connilyn Cossette. She is the CBA-Bestselling author of the Out from Egypt Series from Bethany House Publishers. When she is not teaching homeschool or drinking copious amounts of coffee, there is not much she likes better than digging into the rich, ancient world of the Bible, discovering new gems ofContinue reading “Going behind the scenes with Connilyn Cossette!”

Looking For Christian BookTubers?

Ladies and Gents, I recently found a post regarding the BookTube community and it’s lack of Christian Content. Though some may be Christian in Faith, it seems that the books they read neglect to reflect that. BookTubers who are Christian want to be encouraged by what other Christians are reading. They want to be inspiredContinue reading “Looking For Christian BookTubers?”

MIA and More Crazy Info!

I know I have been completely MIA lately. Well, actually for like half a year to be honest… but I have good reasons and the video below goes into some of those details 😀 One of those details being that my book has finally been released! FACING THE GREY I am so excited to shareContinue reading “MIA and More Crazy Info!”

April Reads, May BookTube Tags and Updates

Hi guys, I have been super busy at home and getting ready for the summer. Before I begin, Congratulations to the US and Canada winners of Beautiful Pretender by Melanie Dickerson! Thank you for all of those who participated, commented and just loved on Melanie Dickerson 😀 I have been working on book reviews, BookTubeContinue reading “April Reads, May BookTube Tags and Updates”